Try the The Coping Breath

When you are in a moment of stress of social anxiety and you cannot take a step back, this is a breath pattern that you can use to ground and come back to yourself. (I use this in MOST social situations).

We can easily forget that breathwork can be employed at any time of the day. Not all breath patterns need to look and sound a particular way. This coping breath is a simple tool that I use on a daily basis in and around a living and moving life.

It is a breath pattern that can used in the moment of social engagement, in conversation, on public transport or in a queue. With heightened stress and anxiety within our living lives, this has become one of my staples. I call it the coping breath as it helps me cope through the different moments of the day. It is a simple breath that reminds us to exhale.

When we panic or enter panic states, we tend to think we are not breathing enough and then focus on the inhale.

We forget our exhale. So the antidote is simple - breathe out.

The Coping Breath

Depending on your lung capacity, it can be recommended that a 1:2 ratio works well for the coping breath.

What I have found with clients is that this is too hard to start with, and so an inhale of 4 and an exhale of 6 through the nose is a good start.

  • Breathing softly and gently, as if it were a normal nose breath, breathe in for 4 through the nose.

  • Gently release the exhale and control the rate for a count of 6.

  • Continue this for at least 2 minutes.

  • This can be done continuously through the engagement or just as a one time thing. Take your time and enjoy!


A Decolonial Approach to Breathwork


Try the Coherence Breath