What is One-to-One Breathwork Therapy?

Breathwork Therapy is a powerful healing technique that involves conscious breathing to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is a safe and natural way to release stress, anxiety, and tension, and to promote inner peace and relaxation

Inspire Breathwork’s therapy program is designed to help you experience the full benefits of this powerful technique. Hannah is an experienced therapist who will guide you through a breathwork journey and breathing exercises designed to improve your overall health and well-being.

How Does Breathwork Therapy Work?

Breathwork Therapy works by focusing on conscious breathing techniques that help to release tension and anxiety from the body. This technique allows you to connect with your breath, which in turn helps to calm the mind and release negative emotions.

Breathwork Therapy is a gentle, yet powerful technique that can help you to:

  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and tension

  • Improve your overall well-being

  • Enhance mental clarity and focus

  • Promote deep relaxation

  • Release negative emotions and trauma

  • Improve your physical health

What’s Included in the Program:

  • Breathwork Sessions: online or in person (60mins)

  • Integration Calls (45 mins)

Financial Investment

I implement a sliding-scale pricing structure to resist false ideas of equality that are ingrained into capitalism. By offering a range of financial options rather than a fixed price, it is possible for more people to access the course supported by the collective.

Please use the Green Bottle tool to choose the price that feels most intuitively appropriate to you and your circumstances.

Who is Breathwork Therapy for?

Breathwork Therapy is good for anyone looking to improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. It is a gentle, yet powerful technique that can help with a range of issues, including anxiety, stress, trauma, and physical health problems.

Some common reasons why someone might seek Breathwork Therapy with me:

  • To reduce stress and anxiety caused by the pressures of daily life.

  • To improve mental health and well-being by releasing negative emotions and trauma.

  • To promote spiritual growth and connect with a deeper sense of self.

  • To improve physical health by reducing tension and promoting relaxation.

  • To address specific health issues, such as asthma, anxiety or sleep disorders.

  • To improve overall well-being and quality of life.

  • To gain a greater sense of clarity and focus in life.

  • To improve relationships with others by reducing stress and anxiety.

  • To cope with societal pressures and find inner peace in a fast-paced world.

  • To enhance personal growth and development by exploring new techniques for self-care and self-improvement.